Nyali Swiss is a management consulting company focused on transforming human performance, promoting effective change, and harnessing business opportunities.
Created in 2004 as Nyali Project Management, in 2013 it became Nyali Swiss, broadening its offering and expertise. Now Nyali Swiss is an advisory company with global reach, specialized in project and change management, upskilling, communication, with a unique proposal tailor made around customers’ needs.
We support clients in developing solutions to achieve their strategic objectives through:
We provide guidance to all department heads involved in the project and brief them on the requirements needed from them. We support customers in achieving desired results by providing the right mix of tools, techniques, and a mindset that derives from expertise gained using 20 years of classic and agile methodologies in Project Management.
We support organizations successfully introducing changes in their processes, structures, and way of working. Working in partnership with key stakeholders, we help develop sustainable change strategies to align culture with business strategy.
We help teams to continuously identify and make efficiency improvements, connect the boardroom with the shop floor, and build the technical and interpersonal skills to realize efficiency benefits.
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